Important Things You Need To Know About Gum Reduction

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  • Important Things You Need To Know About Gum Reduction
Teeth Treatment - Keep28 Dental Center

Gum reduction in Newmarket surgery may fall under the umbrella term of gum reshaping or contouring. Some people’s gums may cover up too much of their teeth. That can make their teeth look smaller, and for some, it holds them back from smiling. If you feel you have a gummy smile and want that changed, this surgery might be for you.

Causes of uneven gums

Many factors can result in gums being too low or too high. If your gums cover too much of your teeth, it can make them look small. A lot of this can be blamed on genetics or health issues, but it can also affect certain prescription drugs for others.
Gums that are too low can make your teeth look longer and more prominent. That is called gum recession, in which the gum tissue pulls back and exposes more of the tooth’s root. Left untreated can lead to further dental problems like tooth loss. Gum recession can also be a symptom of periodontal disease.

Gum reduction surgery

Most gum contouring surgeries are purely for cosmetic purposes. Others also have them to help with the treatment of periodontitis and in preparation for other dental procedures.
Upon consultation, your dentists will give you a visual estimate of how much of your gums they will remove. Once you’ve both agreed and decided on the best shape for your gums, your dentist will schedule you for surgery.
This surgery can involve using a scalpel, a laser or radiosurgery. Gum reduction surgery requires a local anesthetic. Your dentist will assess the area that needs treatment and choose the best method.

Risks of gum contouring surgery

Surgery has risks, but there are typically only two for a gum reduction. The risks include an allergic reaction to the anesthetic and a relapse of the gum tissue. The latter means that your gums could still grow back after this surgery. Should this happen, don’t hesitate to consult your dentist in Newmarket.

Recovery and aftercare of gum reduction

After your surgery, it’s best to limit your activities so that you can focus on recovery. Your dentist will walk you through the recovery process.

Our dentist may advise taking over-the-counter pain medication like Tylenol or Advil for pain management. As your gums are trying to heal, it is not good to take aspirin as it can cause bleeding.

You may eat soft, excellent food like ice cream, yogurt, or pudding. You may also eat soft fruits and vegetables while recovering for the first few days. Until your gums fully heal, do not eat spicy food or anything with many seeds. You also should not eat crumby food that could get lodged in your teeth or gums.

Your gums could take a few days to a few weeks to heal completely. Contact your dentist immediately if you notice excessive bleeding or feel unfamiliar pain or swelling.

Benefits of gum reduction

One obvious benefit of gum reduction surgery is feeling better about your smile. Having control over your appearance can be empowering, and who doesn’t want to feel that way?

Whether you’re getting gum reduction surgery for cosmetic or medical purposes, you deserve a chance to regain your confidence. Give a call to a dentist near you, and schedule an appointment.
